The News

Here's our news from the ride and post ride activities.

I know you guys...
Monday, December 15th, 2008
Posted by Simon Buckley @ 11:18:25 PM
The highlight of our planning this month was the opportunity we were given to display our bikes and gear a the Sydney Motorcycle Expo. It was a great opportunity to test out some of the equipment, meet people from the industry, and talk about the project to the visitors to the show.

En route to Sydney we spent the first night in Albury (thanks Beckles) after three hours testing the weatherproof abilities of our RJays gear. There is nothing quite like riding a motorbike at night in torrential rain, doing your best to avoid interstate trucks.

We stopped at Circular Quay to get some photos of the bikes and gear with some well known Australian icons (a great spot with the Sydney Harbour Bridge on one side and the Opera House on the other). It was there where we got our first tastes of fame, with people commenting that they had seen our TV show, and how good it was. There were a few who asked us for photos and a few in the distance. Not too sure which of us was supposed to be McGregor and which one was Borman, or where the camera crew and support team were but a good laugh.