The News

Here's our news from the ride and post ride activities.

A Lap Around Timor Leste
Tuesday, May 26th, 2009
Posted by Todd Barry @ 03:06:44 PM
Well after finally receiving our motorcycles a week late, on Thursday 21st of May we set off on a four day journey around Timor-Leste to explore the eastern end of the Island Nation. The roads were to say the least rough and at times were just a space between tree's, the harsh effects of the wet season taking their toll on what was once a sealed road.

But bad roads asside we really had a great time, it was an off road motorcyclists dream and was a great opportunity to test out the bikes on something other than tar. They handled reasonably well considering the gear they carry and got us back in one piece.

While touring the Island we had the opportunity to stop over at an Echo Hotel near Ossu, the Echo Village Hotel (formerly Timor Village Hotels) was a fantastic spot to stop and rest but not for long as the local historic cave is not far away and required a bit of hike to reach the entrance, well worth the effort though.

All I can say is if you are looking for that undiscovered less travelled tourist destination, get your buts on a plane to Timor-Leste (East Timor) and check it out, while the conditions here are not five star, the people are friendly and there's never a feeling that you are unsafe, the fighting stopped long ago and the country is in a period of rebuilding and growth.